Guest post Guidelines

We welcome guest posts from individuals who bring valuable perspectives and relevant expertise to our audience. If you’d like to submit your work for consideration, please review the guidelines provided below:


All guest posts must be relevant to our audience. Frugal to FI writes for individuals who started their Financial Independence (FI) journey late in life and looking to retire strong; individuals that are closer to retirement age than not.

Our audience is interested in frugality, personal finance, saving money, investing, and financial independence. Building a intentional financial journey that still allows the good life while saving and investing for the retirement years.


We do not accept AI-assisted, duplicate, syndicated, or plagiarized content as guest posts.

We cannot consider content for publication as a ‘guest post’ if it has been previously published elsewhere online. While we do syndicate select popular posts, these syndicated pieces are not categorized as guest contributions.

We also do not accept repeating a topic that’s already been well covered on this site.

Please ensure that all images are either original or sourced from a reputable royalty-free platform (i.e., not Google Images).

No advertisement

We don’t publish ‘sponsored posts,’ defined as content solely aimed at advertising or including links primarily for promotional purposes.

Guest posts should not include any paid links.

At least 1,250 words

The post needs to be a minimum of 1,250 words with a maximum of 3,000 words.

Easy to read

We favor concise paragraphs to enhance readability. Utilize headings, subheadings, bullet points, and other visual aids to segment the text effectively.

Well written and entertaining

We seek content that both inspires and entertains our audience, allowing your personality and humor to shine through. We encourage a conversational writing style, and recommend familiarizing yourself with our content and tone for guidance.

Additionally, ensure that your guest posts are free from grammatical errors and profanity.

Please provide an external link back to the original source for any statistics or quotes borrowed from other content.

Talk about your perspectives and experiences

We encourage all publishers to discuss real-life experiences and personal stories in their posts. Talk about your household tips, frugality, financial wins or money hardships to demonstrate authority in your space.

As long as you keep it in the realm of our audience, you should be good. But here are ome ideas to help you along:

  • What are some of the challenges you have faced starting late on your financial independence journey?
  • Tell me some of your frugal living tips.
  • What are some of your tried and true ways for saving money?
  • Let me know about a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project.
  • What are some of your favorite meals on a budget?
  • How do you keep your grocery or food budget in check?
  • Show me your personal money map. From paycheck to investing, what is the flow of your money?
  • How do you plan to achieve financial independence?

If you are tossing around ideas and need help deciding on one, send us a message below and we will let you know the best fitting one.

When you are ready to submit your guest post, you can email your text, Word or Google doc. We will review your post, let you know if we have any questions or comments, and let you know when we plan to publish your post.

We do reserve the right to not publish the post if we do not see it as a good fit for our site. But we will be sure to let you know, so that you may submit it elsewhere.

Still have questions? Send a message.
*we reserve the right to not publish any content we do not see as a good fit for this site.
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