Five Frugal Things – Low Spend Continues

This week’s 5 frugal things align with my low-spend challenge. Comments are open.

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1. Ventured to the Haight-Ashbury Street Fair

This past weekend was the 45th Haight-Ashbury street fair. I actually removed my homebody self from the couch, got dressed in my punk rock flair and ventured out. I was highly proud of myself for getting outside. Guess what? I showed up 1 day too early. *laughing* But I got my walk in and did some browsing in the shops. It was all good and I didn’t spend anything.

Look closely and see the early crowd

Then I went back the next day when it actually took place and I was able to see some great bands and lots of vendors with unique, amazing goods for sale. I browsed, spent $8 on a horchata frozen drink and got my steps in for the day.

2. Grocery shopping based on the ads

I am continuing my low-spend challenge as I pay off the rest of the money I borrowed from myself. I am now under $1,500 remaining. One more month of sending money back and then I am good to move forward on saving money.

I completed my grocery shopping based on the ads and saved $30 on a recent haul. My total came out to $60. Even the cashier offered her kudos for a job well done. I love like-minded individuals!

3. Cooking at home

With the low-spend challenge comes cooking at home. A home cooked meal taste better most of the times anyway. I made another chicken & rice bake at home with a different recipe. I was worried the requested amount of broth in the recipe was too low, but it turned out perfectly. During the last 10 minutes of cooking time, I brushed on some sweet & savory BBQ sauce and it was so good!

I love cooking in my giant cast iron skillet.

4. Peanut and Butter Sandwiches on Repeat

I’ve never been one to repeat a meal option daily because I enjoy my options. But on my low-spend challenge a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter and some raspberry preserves has provided me lunches this past week when leftovers are not available.

It actually has been quite enjoyable. Sometimes I pair it with fruit or chips if I have any available.

5. I planned out my budget to mid 2025

I planned out my budget to mid 2025. I cash flowed this year’s big expenses. It will include cash flowing Christmas gifts for a debt free holiday, too. But next year, I am happily adding back in Sinking Funds.

Sinking Fund Categories 2025

Sinking funds are a saving grace. Especially if you have kids and all their many activities.

What frugal things have you been up to this week?

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