Building wealth with Transfer Tuesdays

Consistency is key in Building Wealth

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Consistency is one of the best known facts to building wealth over time. Making a positive money move towards paying down debt, transferring money to savings or buying investments are some of the ways to build your wealth. But what is a good way to share those building wealth moments with our friends on social media? That is where Transfer Tuesdays comes in!

Transfer Tuesday: Where we make money moves to help us build our wealth. Whether that is making a debt payment, moving money towards savings, or growing your investments.

When Tuesday rolls around, I started posting videos on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok of the money moves I made at sometime during the week prior. Some of the common transfers showcased in the videos are of my automatic contributions to my 403b, transfers to my sinking funds or showcasing moves to my “future fund” (previously known as my, “emergency fund“).

Check out my recent Transfer Tuesday video below.

The video starts out with my employer’s automatic contribution to a 401a account. A 401a account is an employer-sponsored money-purchase retirement plan, which in my case, allows my employer to make retirement contributions on my behalf.

Then it shows my 403b contribution – which is the amount of money I set up to be transferred automatically to my pre-tax investment account.

Last, but not least, I note any savings transfers. In this video, I show that I was able to make an unplanned, positive transfer to my “future fund”.

I hope sharing my consistent positive money moves, with my audience, motivates others to do the same. Posting on like-minded social media accounts also promotes accountability. It’s a win-win move. Let me know in comments below how you share your money wins!

Photo in Pexels

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